Send eSignature documents in Onvio Tax

Onvio Tax allows you to send an eSignature request for both 1040 returns and extensions starting in 2021. When efiling a 1040 return or extension you can choose to send a request to eSign the documents.

  1. Open the tax return in Onvio Tax.
  2. Go to E-file, then select Returns or Extensions.
  3. Select the returns to be efiled. 
  4. Select eSignature options.
  5. Select Generate Returns/Extensions, generating can take a few minutes.
  6. After the efile has been generated you can send the eSignature request.
  7. To send the eSignature request, choose to either Transmit E-Files later or now.

    Note: eSignature requests are not sent if you select Discard all E-files.

  8. The client will receive an email to sign their tax documents

View status of eSignature request

To view the status of an eSignature request after it has been sent, go to Properties, then Communications. From there you can view details and revoke access to the eSignature request if necessary. 

Download completed eSignature documents

After the documents have been signed you can download the zipped eSignature documents.

  1. Go to Properties, then Communications.
  2. Select View details under the eSignature Status. 
  3. Select Download documents.


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