Attach a Portable Document Format (PDF) file to an e-file

Follow these steps to attach a PDF file to a tax return's electronic file. The attachments will be added when you create the electronic file via the File Return tab.

  1. With the tax return project open in Onvio Tax, click the Properties tab and then click Efile Attachments. 
  2. The Efile Attachments list displays any files currently attached to the return. To attach a new file, click Add. 
  3. In the Efile Attachments panel, select the desired return (federal or a state) from the Product field.
  4. Select the appropriate return or extension from the Return field, and the desired form title from the Title field. 
  5. Click Browse for File and navigate to the PDF file you want to attach.
  6. Click Save. The attached PDF file now appears in the Efile Attachments list. 

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