Create Advisory Planner project templates

Project templates allows you to specify default information that makes it easy to quickly add projects for clients.

Before you start

Make sure you're assigned to a permission group that has Project Templates enabled.

Add a project template

  1. In Onvio Center select Setup, then Project Templates.
  2. Select Add.
  3. Enter an IDand Name on the General tab.
  4. Select the Application drop-down menu, then choose Advisory.
  5. Select the Type drop-down menu, then choose Advisory Planner.
  6. You can keep the Status as Not Started on the template so that when you add projects to clients the initial project status is accurate. To add a custom status to this list:
    1. Select the Status drop-down menu, then choose Add Status.
    2. Add a description, then select Save & Close.
  7. Under Allow only one series of this Project Template per Client:
    1. Select Yes if you want to create a project only once. For example, a tax return of a particular year for a client.
    2. Select No if you want two projects with the same due date, names, etc., on the client at the same time. Use this for multiple audits occurring at once, for example.
  8. Use the Recurrence Frequency options to specify how often the project will occur and when the project will be due.
  9. Choose a Generation Methodfor the next instance of the project:
    1. When the current is complete:When you finish a project, the next one will automatically generate. Use this for projects like payroll that you want to happen right away.
    2. Specified days until the next due date:You can use this option for 1040 tax returns so that the project generates a certain number of days before the filling deadline, rather than immediately after completing the current tax returns.
    3. When I manually create it:This is helpful for consulting or tax planning projects that may not occur every year, but you want to add as needed in the future.
  10. Target dates apply to Onvio Firm Management Advanced firms only. You can set the target dates for a pre-determined time before the project's due date, or for a pre-determined time after the actual received date.
  11. Setting staff as Primary Assignments ensures that they quickly see projects they are responsible for under the My Assignments area on the home screen.
  12. Choose how to store documents related to the project with the Document Folder Option This ensures that client document folders automatically generate when you create the project.
  13. The Tasks tab is available if your firm is licensed for Onvio Firm Management Advanced.
  14. On the Time and Billing tab, you can link services to this project and enter invoice descriptions to streamline billing. You can also include budget information if your firm is licensed for Onvio Firm Management Advanced.
  15. Select Save when you're finished.

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