Running comparisons

In Advisory Planner projects, running comparisons makes it easy for you to analyze data within your plan. This is especially helpful when comparing things like what filing status to use for a married couple or what entity election to use for your client’s business activities.

  • Select Comparison, then S Corp Compare from the planner menu bar to select which K-1 unit to use for the S Corp and for the other entity.
  • Choose Comparison, then Column compare to select any two columns in a plan and display them side-by-side, along with a third column showing the dollar or percentage difference between the selected columns for each row in the plan.
  • Comparison, then MFS Split.

Note: You cannot use the Difference Analysis mode if your plan is a family plan or an annualized plan.

Performing an MFS split

You can separate the data for a joint plan into separate taxpayer / spouse cases within the plan.

  1. Choose Comparison, then MFS Split. The MFS Split dialog
  2. In the Case field, select a case for married filing separate analysis from the drop-down list and click OK. Two new taxpayer and spouse alternatives are created in the plan.

Planner CS splits the data entered in data-entry fields in one of the following ways:

  • Data specific to the taxpayer or spouse is transferred to the respective alternative. For example, taxpayer wages are transferred to the taxpayer alternative.
  • Amounts in data-entry fields that are not specific to the taxpayer or spouse (for example, the Regular interest field) are transferred to the taxpayer alternative by default. However, you can select a cell and click on the gear icon to access the Allocation menu in which you can allocate those amounts to the spouse if needed.

Note: Community property laws in the resident state may affect how certain items of income and expense should be allocated to the taxpayer and spouse. The MFS split command does not consider the rules for a community property state.

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