Data entry

Turning automatic calculation on or off

To help save time when you enter data for a plan, you can turn the automatic calculation feature off in Advisory Planner projects. This allows you to open large plans and navigate within plans at a faster speed. You can then turn the automatic calculation feature on again when you are ready to export the data.

  • To turn off the automatic calculation feature, choose Calculate mode, then Data entry.
  • To turn on the automatic calculation feature, choose Calculate mode, then Calculate.
  • To adjust the frequency of the calculations, choose Calculate mode and enter the amount of time (in seconds) that the application should delay before updating the calculations.

Note: The delay timer begins once activity stops, like keystrokes or other movements within the plan.

Data entry navigation

Click this button to toggle smart data entry on or off. This feature helps expedite data entry by allowing you to automatically bypass fields in which data entry is not required.

Controls the direction the cursor moves when you press TAB or ENTER to navigate between fields in the main data-entry window. Click the button to change the direction the cursor will move. When the arrow points down, the cursor moves to the cell below when you press TAB or ENTER. When the arrow points to the right, the cursor moves to the cell to the right when you press TAB or ENTER.

Itemizing data entry

Use the Allocation window to enter detailed information or multiple items for most data-entry fields.

To open the Allocation window, select the cell of a data-entry field, then choose Allocations from the menu that opens when you click on the gear icon associated with that data-entry field.


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