Folder-sharing roles in the Documents area

Refer to the table below for details on permissions for folder-sharing roles available.

To add roles, see current roles, and change roles for a folder, select the role and choose Manage > Share Folder. All folders must be added by the firm for clients to access.

Action Role/Permission
Owner Contributor Reviewer None
See folder and contents Yes Yes Yes No
Add sub-folder Yes, but all folders must be added by the firm for clients to access. Yes No No
Scan Yes Yes No No
Add via drag and drop Yes Yes No No
Upload Yes Yes No No
Download Yes Yes Yes No
Move Yes Yes, but only those files or folders that the contributor has added. No No
Copy Yes Yes Yes, but only if the contact is designated as an Owner or Contributor for the destination folder. No
Rename files Yes Yes, but only those files that the contributor has added. No No
Rename folders Yes No No No
Delete files added by contact Yes Yes, but only those files that the contributor has added. No No
Delete files added by other users Yes No No No
Delete the selected folder Yes Yes, but only those folders that the contributor has added. No No
Share folders Yes No No No
Access Box through Onvio Yes Yes No No
Access Dropbox through Onvio Yes Yes No No
Access Google Drive through Onvio Yes Yes No No